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Australian Citizenship. News

SBS World News reports Immigration Minister David Coleman has denied the government is abandoning proposed changes to the citizenship test.

The Courier Mail reported the government had set aside the plans for a tougher citizenship test, which would feature a section on “Australian values” and require applicants to achieve a higher score on the English language section. Participants who failed the text three times would be banned from retaking the test for two years.

Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Kristina Keneally, welcomed the shelving of the proposed changes stating the test “required an unnecessarily high proficiency of English but was also applied in a discriminatory fashion”.

However, Minister David Coleman has denied reports the proposed changes are being dropped, telling SBS World News: “the government outlined its detailed plan for Australia’s future population in March and intends to deliver that plan in full”

So if you or someone you know is thinking of applying for Australian Citizenship or has had their citizenship refused  or cancelled talk to us.

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AR LAW Services are not only Masters of Migration and Visa law but we have extensive experience in AAT and Federal Circuit Court appeals particularly Australian Citizenship refusal or Cancellation cases, these are extremely complex and specialist area of Australian immigration law and that is where a Master Migration Law with over 20 years experience may give you the edge you need.

In these uncertain times of ever changing laws you can depend on us! AR LAW SERVICES. The Smarter, Tougher, Better Immigration Lawyers.  We will fight for you.

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Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 Minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)

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