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Home » Bogus Documents. PIC 4020. Visa refusal. Big Win at the AAT. (The Administrative Appeals Tribunal)

Bogus Documents. PIC 4020. Visa refusal. Big Win at the AAT. (The Administrative Appeals Tribunal)

Recently AR LAW Services were approached to assist with an appeal for a refused 457 visa (A sponsored work visa). due to alleged “bogus documents” being submitted and the consequential breach of PIC 4020.

The client had been “assisted” by two different migration agents.

Compensation Law

Not only did both migration agents not HELP but one agent actually caused the applicant and application a great deal of damage.

This incompetent migration agent made a submission suggesting that even though the client “had submitted bogus documents please grant the visa”.

AR LAW Service was not only to show that the statements made by the prior migration agent was unhelpful but also that the were an error at law.

It must be remembered that the term “Bogus document” is a legal construction and therefore may be open to interpretation.

And that is exactly what we did and the rest – as they say – is history.

AR LAW Services won the AAT appeal and the visa was remitted to the department to be reconsidered.

And the clients could go back to work and the business can now get back to work.

So if you or someone you know has had a visa refused due to “bogus documents” or 4020 issues  talk to us.

Or if you or anyone you know has an Australian Visa refused, rejected or cancelled due to police history or character grounds contact us to discuss your Appeal or Review options.  Remember TRUST ONLY a Master Migration Lawyer and make an appointment with AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyer.


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