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Home » Cook Skilled visas – COOKS – ANZSCO 351411 skilled independent visa subclass 189, 190 & 491

Cook Skilled visas – COOKS – ANZSCO 351411 skilled independent visa subclass 189, 190 & 491

Cook skilled visas – COOK – ANZSCO 351411 – skilled independent visa subclass 189, 190 & 491

When I was studying to be a lawyer, I worked as a cook to pay the bills.  I did my commercial cook training and worked with some of Australia’s and the worlds best chefs – it was hard work: long hours and pressure, but  as much as I loved it I am a much MUCH better lawyer.  So I know that the last thing visa applicants want to do is fill out forms and deal with the stress of getting a visa.

And that, chef, is were I can help!

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Skills Assessment Requirement

Unless you are exempt in very limited circumstances, you are required to have a positive Skills Assessment to apply for the visas listed above. Skills Assessment authority for Cook is Trades Recognition Australia (TRA). To have a positive skills assessment, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Three Programs for skills assessment with TRA.
    • Program A-  Offshore Skills Assessment (OSAP)
      • If your passport is on the OSAP list next to your occupation you must apply through OSAP. If your passport is not on this list, apply through Program B or C.
      • OSAP Pathway 1– for applicants who do not hold an Australian qualification in their trade but hold a qualification which is equivalent to an AQF cert
      • OSAP Pathway 2 –  for applicants who hold:
        • a relevant Australian qualification, or
        • a current identified Australian occupational licence
      • To be eligible to apply for the skills assessment program, you must be able to show you have completed full-time paid employment in your nominated occupation, or an occupation that is directly related to your nominated occupation.
    • Program B Migration Skills Assessment
      • You must have a qualification directly related to your nominated occupation (i.e. Culinary Training) or at least 3 years of relevant experience
      • If you have obtained a qualification internationally or an Australian qualification that was not through the Australian Recognition of Learning process, you are required to demonstrate 3 years full time or equivalent post-qualification experience
      • If you have obtained an Australian qualification issued through the Australian Recognition of Learning process, you are required to demonstrate 3 years full-time or equivalent post-qualification experience OR 6 years full-time or equivalent experience which can be either pre- or post-qualification
    • Pathway B- Temporary Skills Shortage Skills Assessment
Note well: As part of the OSAP program you will be required to participate in a technical assessment of your skills and knowledge. This will be conducted by a qualified assessor who will also be a qualified tradesperson in your nominated occupation.


Overview Australia Immigration News

Very exciting news: big updates in the Skilled migration program in Australia. Interim State Allocation has been announced with a significant increase in the number of permanent places.

Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189 and  Skilled Nominated 190 Visa

Permanent Residency Skilled Visa Matter – what clients have said
Bilal Hamid           Bilal Hamid
Anthony Robinson is the best immigration lawyer in the town. He has processed three migration cases of my family very professionally. He is a very competent lawyer and has full command and knowledge in his area. I highly recommend to everyone. 10 out of 10.

The 189 Visa is a permanent visa that allows skilled workers to live in Australia. Talk to one of the best migration lawyers – a leader in immigration law a master migration lawyer.

Following that, the jobs and skills summit held in Canberra on the 1,2 September 2022 has announced a lot of current Australian immigration initiatives. There are some key points to be mentioned later in this blog regarding the summit outcomes. There is still much more news to come in the future. We believe this year’s migration program is very promising. This article will discuss all the latest Australian Immigration updates in September and August 2022:

  • State Allocation Confirmation from Australian Government for Program year 2022-2023
  • State Nomination visa 491 and visa 190 Update
  • Visa 189 Skilled independent invitation round
  • Skills Summit Outcomes
  • Agriculture Industry challenges
  • Post Study work visa 485 Extension for Select degree (minimum 4 years duration)
  • SA Skilled Migration Program update
  • Business Visa Australia update on allocations and requirements

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This visa provides the holder with Australian permanent residency with no conditions. The holder can live and work wherever they like in Australia. Although the visa is granted based on the holder being skilled in a specific occupation, once granted, the visa doesn’t require you to seek or maintain employment in this occupation.


To apply for this visa you must be qualified and under 45 years of age when you apply for this visa. Your nominated occupation, which fits your skills and qualifications, must be on the list of approved occupations for migration to Australia, which is adjusted by the Government from time to time. (Skilled Occupations List from DIBP) Before you apply for a visa you have to obtain a positive skills assessment by the relevant Australian skills assessing authority. You also have to show recent work experience for a period of time in your field, or in another field that is on the skilled occupation list. In addition you have to show threshold English and also meet the health, character and public interest requirements. To be granted this visa you must pass what is called the Points Test. Points are allocated for qualifications, age, English language ability, work experience, your spouse’s skills. Extra points are given to those applicants who have family in Australia, who have Australian qualifications or those with skills in demand.

Skilled Visas

You may also wish to read about

Sub 491 Skill Visa. Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)

Sub 491 Skill Visa. Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa – Live and work in regional Australia

So if you or anyone you know is thinking of applying for an Australian skilled visa or has had a skilled visa refused or cancelled contact us to discuss your Appeal or Review options. 
Remember TRUST ONLY a Master Migration Lawyer and make an appointment with AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyer.
Book an initial 30 minute consultation for a flat fixed fee for the initial 30 minutes to discuss your issue with a Master Migration Lawyer.
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Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)
For more go to
Note: this update, or any previous updates on this page, do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Please call our office to seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content on this page


The Skilled Independent (Permanent) subclass 189 visa


This Visa is for:

skilled applicants that wish to live and work in Australia as a permanent resident. Applicants are not required to have an employer to sponsor them or be nominatetd by a State or Territory government.


  • be under 45 years of age
  • have a nominated occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) or Consolidated Skilled Occupation List (CSOL)
  • obtained a positive skills assessment
  • have at least competent English – e.g. IELTS 6.0 for all bands or equivalent (higher scores may be required to be awarded additional points)
  • score at least 65 points from the Point Test

What is the application process?

  1. Check eligibility against points test
  2. Obtain positive skills assessment and required English test results
  3. Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through SkillSelect
  4. Submit visa application within 60 days of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) and include all supporting documents for the application
We will ensure the preparing and providing the right documents and information as required is an important factor in ensuring your application is processed smoothly.
So if you or anyone you know is thinking or applying for a skilled visa or has applied or has had an application refused or a visa cancelled [or appeal to the AAT] talk to us.  Book an initial 30 minute consultation for a flat fixed fee for the initial 30 minutes to discuss your issue with a Master Migration Lawyer.
Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)

Visa refusal – Administrative Tribunal Appeals – AAT

Do you feel cheated – did not get what you paid for – talk to us – we sue dodgy agents

For more than 20 years I and my expert team have been helping clients with difficult AAT appeal visa cases to the Federal Circuit and Federal Court.   Here is what one client said – Federal Court Appeals just one of our recent clients
Puneet Singh
Puneet Singh       (Federal Circuit Court Appeal)
“Mr Robinson recently won my Federal Court Case. It was an appeal from the AAT because my partner visa had been refused. Not only did AR LAW Services win the Federal Court case but they also won refund, that is got the Minister/the Department to pay some of my legal fees. I would definitely recommend AR LAW SERVICES to anyone.” Best Immigration Lawyers for Federal Court Appeals
  If your appeal to AAT is unsuccessful AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration & Regulatory Lawyers may be able to help!   Please watch our short film on appeals from the AAT or IAA to the Federal Circuit Court. Please watch our short film on appeals from the AAT or IAA to the Federal Circuit Court.
Note well – AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers are a Specialist Crimmigration Law Firm.  We are expert in criminal and character s501 appeal cases to the Federal Court.  


So if you or anyone you know need legal assistance regarding the rejection of an Australian visa or  visa application or appeal to the AAT or Federal Court matter talk to us.
Book an initial 30 minute consultation for a flat fixed fee for the initial 30 minutes to discuss your issue with a Master Migration Lawyer.
Also if you feel you were given bad, incompetent migration or visa advice from a “dodgy” migration agent talk to us
Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)

Best Immigration Lawyers. AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyers. Again Ranked in the Top 10 – Best Immigration Law Firms in Melbourne.


And Remember – if you are in this position because of your agent…

WE SUE DODGY (Fraudulent, dishonest bad) agents

yusuf khan
I went to a dodgy migration agent for my AAT appeal and I lost the AAT appeal, I went to AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers and Mr Robinson won back all the fees I spent on the dodgy migration agent for the AAT appeal (it was a lot of money!) – so if you feel cheated by a migration agent or you feel you have not got what you paid for I suggest you go nowhere else but AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers they are the best lawyers in town
Other cases: If you or some one you know feels they did not get what they paid for – feel cheated – talk to us
Don’t Get Mad – Get Even! (click on the below link for a short film)
If you or some one you know feels they did not get what they paid for – feel cheated – talk to us
So if you or anyone you know has feels they have been cheated by a migration agent or did not get what they paid for – or just thinks their agent is not doing a good job talk to us.
Book an initial 30 minute consultation for a flat fixed fee for the initial 30 minutes to discuss your issue with a Master Migration Lawyer.
Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)
Note: this update, or any previous updates on this page, do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.
Please call our office to seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content on this page
    For more go to Note: this update, or any previous updates on this page, do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Please call our office to seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content on this page