It is an uncomfortable and unpleasant subject, but an important one and given the current Coronavirus pandemic, it is a subject that is on everyone’s minds.
Death. It happens to the all of us. What happens to your belongings? How do I protect my wishes after I am gone? How do I make sure my stuff goes to my loved ones?
That is where AR LAW Services may – through our special “Basic Budget Will” plan- be able to help (see terms below).
This is a “fixed price” service we have offered our existing clients, but recently we have been approached by many people due to the threat of the current pandemic. Consequently AR LAW Services is offering our “Budget Basic Wills” plan to all who qualify. This a fixed price service.
See if you qualify book an initial 30 minute consultation for a fee of $220 and if you qualify AR LAW Services will draft and settle a Budget Basic Will for $660.