Big News for Visa appeals – particularly PIC 4005.
Haque & Ors v Minister for Immigration & Anor, (2015) FCCA 1765 (2 July 2015) Is a Federal Circuit Court case regarding the Public Interest Health Criterion 4005.
Haque held, if an assessing Medical Officer of the Commonwealth (MOC) has refused your visa without referring to evidence, there maybe grounds to deem such a refusal void. The Haque decision may have far reaching consequences in cases where the MOC has not relied upon evidence to substantiate it’s findings against a visa applicant.
If you have been refused a visa based on the Public Interest Health Criterion 4005 or otherwise, please speak to one of the lawyers at our office for thorough advice on your options.
So if you or anyone you know has had a visa refused or cancelled on Health or character grounds talk to us.
Call 03 9614 0218 or email to arrange a free initial 30 Minute consultation at our Melbourne office.
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