For more than twenty (20) years Mr Anthony Robinson has been regarded as an health and disability specialist in the area of immigration health waiver law: at Tribunal (AAT) and Federal Court level. As a leading immigration lawyer and having worked extensively in the area of health waivers, he has been an advocate in a number of high profile cases over the past two decades on behalf of migrants suffering from HIV, Down Syndrome, mental health issues and a range of medical conditions.
Mr Robinson – the son of a medical doctor and a nurse – has always been fascinated by medicine. It is from this knowledge of pathology that he serves him well in his legal advocacy in Health wavier matters.
Examples of Cases won:
AR LAW Services wins Down Syndrome Health Waiver Case. AR LAW Services wins another AAT visa refusal health appeal and a little girl’s Australian “dream comes true”.
Big HIV. Health Case win. AR LAW Services secure a health Waiver for Client with HIV.