Business Law
Superior Advice: Intelligent Solutions
Business & Blockchain Regulatory Compliance
Helping Business Comply with the underlying law
On this page you will learn how we can help you deal with:
All aspects of regulatory compliance, dealings with regulators and judicial challenge and review of regulatory decisions.Company formation. Civil litigation. Defamation. Fair work compliance. Contractual Disputes & Blockchain policy.

At AR LAW SERVICES – We get Business & Blockchain.
We understand that finding a business lawyer who you can trust and is willing to take the time to really get to know your business and your aspirations can be hard. And that is why we take time to build a relationship with each of our clients – some of whom have been with us for 20 years. For we understand that business is often personal. It is from this philosophy that AR LAW SERVICES – unlike most law firms who still rely on a “billable hours” fee charging model – we offer a Fix Legal Fee, for peace of mind.
That is why for more than 20 years we have focus on helping small and medium (SMEs) set up and grow.
Blockchain or distributed ledger technology is rapidly transforming the world. This rapid advance of blockchain technology and digital currencies presents business with a wealth of new ways to boost efficiency, create new business models and disrupt incumbents, but with it comes a raft of new regulatory challengers.
Preparing Businesses for the Blockchain Leap
The potential of blockchain is it offers an autonomous and decentralized store of value – not just for money but for intellectual property, real property and anything that can be owned – that is not dependent on a government or central bank. Blockchain’s distributed and networked ledger of ownership drastically reduces transactions costs, offers the safety that comes with a transparent network that is visible to all users and provides real-time speed for transactions.
Businesses don’t need to understand the complex algorithms that make this automated ledger possible, but early adopters will gain an immense competitive advantage in costs and security. AR LAW SERVICES in association with AR SOAR: Business Blockchain Services have the in-depth knowledge consequently we can advise your business on how to prepare for this giant leap forward in transaction technology.
Given our history AR LAW SERVICES is now positioned as a law firm that specializes in the regulatory framework that is quickly dominating the distributed ledger technologies “space” and ideally placed to help clients navigate this complex landscape.
breach of contract;
advice & assistance with Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) program specifying how you comply with AML/CTF legislation;
criminal matter has occurred, such as fraud or money laundering & Know your customer (KYC)
issue of company or commercial law; and
compliance, risk assessment & legal defense.
Additionally we can help with Advice as to structure (sole trader, partnership, company and trust), Company formation, Business Planning and Civil dispute Litigation.
Including drafting business terms & condition, review and drafting of business agreements and setting up discretionary trusts.
Areas of Expert Advice & Assitance:
- Startup Businesses – particularly “tech” and artistic businesses
- Franchises and Licensing
- Hospitality
- Building and Construction
- Shareholder Agreements
- Company Law
- Terms of Trade
- Distribution Agreements
Disputes are a part of doing business. In order to minimise the impact of a dispute, business organisations need swift and accurate advice.
Fixed-Fee Guarantee.
AR LAW SERVICES – unlike most law firms who still rely on a “billable hours” fee charging model – we offer a Fix Legal Fee, for peace of mind.
Start ups – Capital Raising.
For more than 20 years AR LAW SERVICES has been providing assistance to businesses to “get off the ground”.
(See also our DEBT RECOVERY section and Employment law)
AR LAW Services has a strong reputation in effectively dealing with commercial disputes in the courts and via other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Large and complex litigation is often won or lost on the depth, accuracy and forensic skills of the lawyer. In conjunction with our clients, we devise litigation strategies that realistically identify the prospects of success and focus on achieving the best commercial outcomes and results for our clients.
Please book an appointment either call our 24 hour 7 day a week number or click below.
(03) 9614 0218
Expertise include:
- Company formation.
- Civil litigation.
- Contractual disputes.
- Fair work compliance
- Privacy Matters
AR LAW Services has litigation expertise representing clients before Australian federal and state courts, specialist tribunals and before commissions of enquiry. AR LAW Services is eager to be instructed in matters before:
- Local Court.
- Supreme Court.
- High Court.
- Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
AR LAW Services understand that many people regard litigation as a costly risk-laden distraction. But by quickly recognising the commercial and legal origins of a dispute our team may minimise the uncertainty, risk and exposure in the litigation process to achieve the ideal negotiated, mediated or litigated outcome for our clients.
To discuss how we may help with your matter AR LAW Services offer for a flat fee of $200 (gst included) a no obligation initial 30 Minute consultation. Please book an appointment.
Please book an appointment either call our 24 hour 7 day a week number or click below.
(03) 9614 0218
Not what you are looking for?
Be advised the Information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor personal/corporate migration advice and should not be treated as such. It is information of a general nature and should not be relied on. For an assessment of your personal circumstances and formal legal/visa advice please speak to our accredited Immigration Lawyer.