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Home » Special budget Will Deal: It is not a pleasant thing to think about, but we all die the only thing sadder than dying is to die without a valid will.

Special budget Will Deal: It is not a pleasant thing to think about, but we all die the only thing sadder than dying is to die without a valid will.

Given we are all mortal and therefore will all one day die: and given that the laws in Australia are such that unless you have a valid will your assets, belongings and “stuff” may not go to the people you want them to go to, consequently it  is very important that you have a valid will drafted or made.

Many of our clients have had a long relationship with AR LAW Services, some for about 20 years, and in that time they have worked hard and acquired assets – maybe a house or two or a car or a boat or a business. And more importantly maybe a family – a partner and perhaps kids.

That is why over the years AR LAW Services has built up great expertise in drafting wills.

Right now AR LAW Services is offering a special “budget basic will” deal for the fix price of $660.(gst included)

For full details:

[button link=”” size=”large” target=”_self” icon=”cog” color= “alternative-1″ lightbox=”false”]Budget Basic Will Deal[/button]

So if you or someone you know is thinking of getting a will prepared  talk to us.

[button link=”” size=”large” target=”_self” icon=”cog” color= “alternative-1″ lightbox=”false”]Book an Appointment[/button]

Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 Minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)

For more go to

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