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Home » 457 visa compliance problems? When the forces of darkness come knocking – better call AR LAW Services!

457 visa compliance problems? When the forces of darkness come knocking – better call AR LAW Services!

Withdraw of Illegal Worker Notice Case. Big win for AR LAW Services’ “Paris Fashion House” client.


AR LAW Services was retained last year by a major international fashion house: The issue was regarding an allegation of “illegal workers”.  DIAC – the compliance section – basically “stormed” the emporium handing out Illegal Worker Notice legal documents like confetti.

So this was a 457 visa breach issue.

AR LAW Service  represented the General Manager and the HR Manager at the formal DIAC compliance meeting – like a police interview but without the hand cuffs.

DIAC were sure they were on a winner and convictions were heading my clients way.

However AR LAW Services was able to not only have the allegation quashed but also AR LAW Services was able to get DIAC to retracted the allegations and formally withdraw all charges pertaining to illegal workers: in writing!

Given the client relies heavenly on European hoch culture fashion models and designers etc, the 457 visa is vital to their continuing successful business in Australia and a ban on their ability to Sponsor 457 visa applicants would have been extremely detrimental to their business.

It goes without saying the client was very happy with the result.

Consequently if you or anyone you know has an issue regarding compliance of a 457 visa – unlawful worker or other alleged breach please speak to one of the lawyers at our office for thorough advice on your options.

Call 03 9614 0218 or email to see if you qualify for a free initial 30 Minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)

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