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AR LAW Services  |  Lawyers & Consultants  |  Masters of Australian Migration and Visa Law


Superior Advice: Intelligent Solutions


On this page you will find important information about the Australian Migration System, Relevant Courts & Tribunal and Other useful contacts:

Courts and tribunals:

If you require assistance to do with Health Cover, talk to AR SOAR: Student Services. Specialist Education Consultants –


For Free Course and enrolment assistance go to AR SOAR: Student Services. Specialist Education Consultants. –

The Australian Citizenship Act 2007

The Australian Citizenship Act 2007 is the legal basis for all citizenship provisions. It commenced on 1 July 2007. It was amended by the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Testing) Act 2007 in September 2007.

Legislation and regulations are not published on this department’s website, but can be accessed from a legal information retrieval system owned by the Australian Attorney General’s Department.

Coming to Australia

Be advised Mr Robinson is a Master Migration Lawyer and has been licenced by the Australian Government: Mara to provide migration advice for more than 25 years RMA – 0003574

Relevant Forms for Character Requirements.

Health and Character Requirements.
Information regarding Medicals
Australian values Statements

Also “Life in Australia” Book, in English. For other languages other than English, click here

Australian Federal Police check application:
Character Requirements (overseas police reports):

AR LAW Services Merchandise.

.   AR LAW Services pens                                  –    $55.00 plus postage.

.   AR LAW Services key ring                            –     $77.00 plus postage

.   AR LAW Services Coffee Mugs                     –   $220.00  plus postage

.   AR LAW Services   Baseball caps                 –   $330.00   plus postage                        

.   AR LAW Services power point note           –       $880.00   per lecture

Not what you are looking for?

Help with
Visas Appeals
Refused or Cancelled

Help with
Intervention Orders

Help with
Federal Court Appeals

Help with
Family Violence Matters

Be advised the Information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor personal/corporate migration advice and should not be treated as such. It is information of a general nature and should not be relied on. For an assessment of your personal circumstances and formal legal/visa advice please speak to our accredited Immigration Lawyer.