Human Rights
Superior Advice: Intelligent Solutions
Human Rights & Crypto Privacy
Help for Australian Citizens and Visa holders who feel they have suffered human rights violations.
On this page you will learn how we can help you deal with:
Human rights. Privacy. Data Sovereignty. Discrimination. Refugees & Asylum Seekers Rights.
Courts & VCAT
AR LAW Services – Expert Legal advice for Citizens & Non-Citizens
AR LAW Services. Lawyers & Consultants have an experienced team who have built up a cost-effective system of recovering monies owing as a result of contracts entered between individuals and/or companies.
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Human rights regulatory compliance, particularly crypto privacy rights and litigation risks are becoming core concerns for many individuals and businesses. Our team helps clients navigate increasingly complex and sometimes competing legal requirements in this area.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) supports the right of all people to be able to seek asylum from persecution (Article 14). The UDHR fundamentally promotes that:
basic rights and fundamental freedoms for all human beings are recognised in every country
rights are inalienable and equally applicable to everyone
every one of us is born free and equal in dignity and rights.
Although the UDHR itself is not a legally binding agreement, it is the founding document for more specific international human rights treaties and declarations, regional human rights conventions and domestic human rights legislation. Together these constitute a comprehensive and legally binding system for the promotion and protection of human rights.
Some of these include:
the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights
the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
The Australian Human Rights Commission is an independent statutory body that monitors government law and policy affecting asylum seekers and human rights. The Commission also helps to resolve complaints of discrimination and breaches of human rights under federal laws.
Despite Victoria’s strict, state-based rules that make workplace discrimination illegal, discrimination and sexual harassment still happens and it is usually up to the individual affected to take action to protect their legal rights and seek compensation if possible.
The Fair Work Act 2009 (Australia wide) and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic): In Victoria it is against the law for someone to discriminate against you because of a personal characteristic that you have, or someone assumes that you have. These personal characteristics are things like age, race, disability, physical features and political beliefs
If you believe that you have been treated less favourably (than someone without this characteristic) at work because of one or more of the attributes listed below, then you may have been discriminated against at work and you may be able to take legal action to prevent such treatment in the future.
Please book an appointment either call our 24 hour 7 day a week number or click below.
(03) 9614 0218
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