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AR LAW Services  |  Lawyers & Consultants  |  Masters of Australian Migration and Visa Law


Superior Advice: Intelligent Solutions

Reviews & Appeals. Visa Refusal or Visa Cancellation Australia. Sponsorship or Nomination Refusal Citizenship Refused or Cancelled

On this page you will learn how we can assist with:

Navigating your way through the review process is a complex matter, and preparing a successful strategy requires the expert assistance of a Master Migration Lawyer.

Some Urgency

Be aware that applications for review are subject to strict time limits for lodgement and judgment, so it is essential that you contact an immigration lawyer immediately. A single day can make a big difference.

AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyers have for the last twenty (20) years been one of Australia’s leading and most trusted firm of Australian Immigration lawyers. Expert in Migration Review particularly applications for review to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) and

Appeals to Federal Circuit Court, Federal Court and High Court of Australia. Additionally

Ministerial Intervention Matters.


If your visa application has been refused or cancelled, there may still be a number of options for having the decision reviewed, including:

Administrative Review Tribunal

See how we can help – click to the Tribunal Review page

If you have been unsuccessful at the tribunal level, you may still have other options, including:

Appeal to the Federal Circuit Court.

Appeal to the Federal Court.

Appeal to the High Court of Australia.

See how we can help – click to Court appeal page

An Alternative to Court
Ministerial Intervention

Ministerial Intervention this is an alternative avenue to the court system.  To succeed in this proceeding takes a great level of skill and a compelling case.  The submission must be of a well drafted and display a profound knowledge of the relevant law and policy: It is a very technical and highly legalistic process.

We urge you seek legal advice from a master migration lawyer.

See how we can help – click to Minister intervention page

Help for RMAs & Lawyers with Complex Migration Cases.

(The cost-effective alternative to a junior barrister, and the confidence of a city law firm

For over 25 years Anthony Robinson has been assisting Lawyers & RMAs with complex cases and difficult points of visa law.  Given he not only holds a law degree (LL.B) from Monash University – one of Australia’s leading Law Schools – but also has a Master of Migration Law degree (LL.M) and is a Senior Fellow of the Victorian Immigration Solicitors’ Alliance he is often retained by RMAs and lawyers to assist with complicated visa matters.

Anthony has extensive experience not only through the work of his law firm but also though his committee work where he has regularly advised both businesses and Government on immigration law matters over the last 25 years.

He is available to review documents, draw submission and advise on complex cases.  And of course, it is all in the strictest of confidence.

He also regularly appears before the tribunal.  

Click here to see how we can help

Not what you are looking for?

Help with
Sponsor worker

Help with
Intervention Orders

Help with

Help with
Business & Investment visas

Be advised the Information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor personal/corporate migration advice and should not be treated as such. It is information of a general nature and should not be relied on. For an assessment of your personal circumstances and formal legal/visa advice please speak to our accredited Immigration Lawyer.