MAJOR changes to Visas & Migration Law
Date: Wednesday 3 June At 1.00
Where: 470 Bourke Street Melbourne
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AR LAW Services: Masters of visa & Migration Law: will be hosting a FREE lecture at the prestigious Law Institute of Victoria on the major changes to the Australian Visa Scheme.
This lecture is specifically for international students who will be completing their studies in the middle of 2015.
The lecture will focus on the subclass 485 visa – the Graduate Post study and work subclasses of the VC visa.
Additionally will review the process of Skill select and Expression of Interest (EOI). Subclass 189 and 190 visas
And State Sponsored and other sponsored visas.
If you are an international student holding a student visa subclass 572, 573 or 574 visa this is a must see lecture.
If you or your family wish to get permanent residency [PR] or {TR] or have issues with your visa call for a free initial 30 minute consultation.
Please confirm attendance by email to If you are confused about which visa is right for you this visa is for you