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Home » MRT-RRT Update March 2015 from Kay Ransome – Principal Member

MRT-RRT Update March 2015 from Kay Ransome – Principal Member

Senate Estimates

On Monday, 23 February 2015 the tribunals’ Executive and I attended Senate Estimates and appeared before the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitution Affairs. I provided the committee with an update on matters of significance since our last appearance in October 2014, including a caseload update and an indicator of this year’s caseload strategy. The tribunals were questioned on the current caseload, in particular those related to unauthorised maritime arrivals, processing times and improvements and efficiencies implemented by the tribunals.

I reported on a range of work practices adopted by the tribunals to achieve a high level of service provision and speedier finalisation of cases, including making changes to decision writing and increasing the functionality of the tribunals’ online lodgement facility and case management system.

The formation and intent of the Immigration Assessment Authority (IAA) was also discussed along with the implications for the IAA upon the amalgamation of the MRT-RRT with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and the Social Security Appeals Tribunal.
