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Home » Never been a better time for Kiwis to Apply for PR

Never been a better time for Kiwis to Apply for PR

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has slowed Australia’s immigration intake — and he didn’t need to get a submission through Cabinet. As reported in the Age by Jackson Snape.

Key points:

  • Kiwis in Australia are now getting visas previously granted to mostly overseas-based Asians
  • Growth in migration figures is likely to slow by thousands in coming years as a result
  • The Government argues it has not formally cut the permanent intake

The country’s headline migration figure will be lower in coming years than it would have been otherwise, thanks to New Zealanders already in Australia taking visas that previously went to immigrants overseas.

For the full report


So if you are from New Zealand or you know any one from New Zealand and have questions about this new and exciting visa make an appointment with a Master Migration Lawyer.

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