Many “dodgy” (incompetent, lazy, fraudulent or negligent) migration agents us words other than “agent”. They use words like “consultant” or “adviser” – these are misleading but worse are those who lie to their clients. The migration agent – and there are many – who call themselves “lawyers” or “attorneys” even though they are not so qualified. (If this has happen to you talk to us – We sue dodgy agents.
[button link=”” size=”large” target=”_self” icon=”cog” color=”alternative-1″ lightbox=”false”]Dodgy Agents[/button]
So why do they lie to their clients? Can you trust an agent with your visa, your money or your future if they lie to you about their qualifications?
Another “trick” that dodgy migration agents use is employ a very junior person who has studied some sort of law at university or is a called a “lawyer” in another part of the world or another state of Australia. These people ARE NOT LAWYERS and SHOULD NOT TELL PEOPLE THEY ARE!
But the simplest way to protect yourself is ask to see their RMA or Mara number the first two digits are when they began work as a migration agent.
So we would suggest, given most migration agents stop or go broke in less the first 5 (five) years or so dont risk any number starting with anything more recent than a “13” or “14”. (that is 2013 or 2014)
But to be really sure go to an Australian Immigration Lawyer.
Here is another story about the risk of using a Migration Agent.
Decision Summary
The Agent’s registration has been suspended for a period of 18 months from 18 September 2019. The Agent failed to recognise and correct his conflict of interest in acting as both marriage celebrant and migration agent in a number of partner visa applications. He failed to declare his name and Migration Agents Registration Number when providing translations for his clients. The Agent lodged a number of applications through his ImmiAccount without declaring that he was either the migration agent representing the client or the authorised recipient because he claimed the applications had poor prospects of success. The Agent did not properly supervise his office to ensure that a person who was not a registered migration agent did not provide immigration assistance. The Agent was found not to be a person of integrity and not a fit and proper person to give immigration assistance and have breached clauses 2.1A, 2.1B, 2.22A, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 of the Code of Conduct for registered migration agents. Please see copy of decision record attached. Please note that personal details have been removed to protect the privacy of clients.
So if you or someone you know has had their visa cancelled or refused due to poor/dodgy advice talk to us. (for more about cancelled or refused visa go to
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AR LAW Services are not only Masters of Migration and Visa law but we have extensive experience in AAT and Federal Circuit Court appeals including GTE, PIC 4020 Bogus Document, health and character matters and s501 cases, these are extremely complex and specialist area of Australian immigration law and that is where a Master Migration Law with over 20 years experience may give you the edge you need.
In these uncertain times of ever changing laws you can depend on us! AR LAW SERVICES. The Smarter, Tougher, Better Immigration Lawyers. We will fight for you.
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Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 Minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)
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