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Home » 457 visa fraud compliance breach

457 visa fraud compliance breach

As alleged in Fairfax news there may have been a massive cover-up of employee exploitation is being run out of 7-Eleven corporate headquarters, a joint investigation by Fairfax Media and Four Corners can reveal.

The 7-Eleven convenience store chain has stored thousands of extracts of on-the-record interviews with its franchisees on a central database over the past year, some revealing repeated findings of wage fraud and other illegal activity.

“Falsifying time sheets and rosters is illegal and considered fraud,” a head office review of a franchisee in Strathmore, Melbourne says.

It was written on July 31 after 7-Eleven head office conducted a store review of 225 franchises across the country.

If you or your business or anyone you know has been accused of a compliance breach or if you are currenly being investigated by the Immigration department for 457 visa sponsorship or Nomination or if your 457 visa has been refused or cancelled or if you are thinking off appealing to the AAT talk to AR LAW Services: Masters of visa and Migration appeal law.

Call 03 9614 0218 or   email    info@ to arrange a free 30 minute consultation at our Melbourne office to discuss your legal options.

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