Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS). Best immigration lawyers – leaders migration & visa law
The Subclass 186 visa.
The ENS and RSMS program consists of employer sponsored visas for skilled foreign workers in certain occupations. The 186 and 187 visas are both permanent resident visas, and eligibility is dependent on a number of factors including the occupation, age, or salary of the candidate.
AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration & Regulatory Lawyers has for more than 20 years been helping individuals and businesses win and keep visas so they can call Australia home. We are the “go to” law firm for VISAS – we represent business from across industries including hospitals & health, digi-tech start-up firms, engineering companies and restaurants. Additionally, we represent many migration agents with complex visa cases, particularly AAT and Federal Court Appeals, not only this, we – given our 20 plus years – can offer business a cost effective solution to securing visas for staff, that is, overseas workers.
Recent Complex ENS appeal case we won:
A major Australian sport association retain AR LAW Services. Master Migration Lawyers to manage a review at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) due to their Nomination for a “work visa” (457 & ENS visa) for their head coach had been refused.
As often is the story, the application had been poorly managed by a migration agent rather than a immigration lawyer, and the result – rather predictably was – the application failed. (What is really disappointing is they are are very big and established migration agency – its like I have been saying for years – don’t risk your visa, your money or your future with a dodgy migration agent: trust only an immigration lawyer
Given the application had been so badly managed AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyers had to “build” the entire submission including a series of reports as to “genuine” position: Market rate and a full suite of tax and training documentation. This cost the client a great deal of unnecessary expense. If only he had had gone to an Immigration lawyer first think of the money he could have saved.
It was a long and difficult reconstruction however after a day at the tribunal AR LAW Services won the case.
We also specialize in work visas – 482 visa:
Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (TSS Visa) Subclass 482
Visa that allows overseas staff or workers to live and work in Australia:
Temporary Skill Shortage Visa
is a temporary visa which permits the holder to live in Australia, while working full-time for the sponsoring employer, in the nominated position. Applicants for a TSS visa may include dependent family members in their application.
And Remember – if you are in this position because of your agent…
WE SUE DODGY (Fraudulent, dishonest bad) agents
If you or some one you know feels they did not get what they paid for – feel cheated – talk to us

If you or some one you know feels they did not get what they paid for – feel cheated – talk to us