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Partner Visas

Partner Visas Australia

At AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers we understand how important it is for you to be with your prospective or existing partner and ultimately you want your partner to travel to or remain in Australia.

This visa category may be relevant to you if you are:

  • Intending to marry an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen;
  • Married to an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen; or
  • The de facto partner of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.

Let our team of experienced lawyers assist you with this application for your partner..  We have successfully helped hundreds of couples over the last 25 years and we enjoy seeing the new lives people can start together in Australia.

So if you or anyone you know wishes to bring a loved one to Australia or has an Australian Partner Visa refused, rejected or cancelled contact us to discuss your Appeal or Review options.  Remember TRUST ONLY a Master Migration Lawyer and make an appointment with AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyer.

Book a Consultation

Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 Minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)

Partner visa Subclass 820/801 Partner Visa (Onshore) – Prospective Marriage visa 300 visa -application or appeal

AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration & Litigation Lawyers is a leading “full service” Australian immigration law firm based in Melbourne, but with offices through out Australia and the world: we is passionate about helping win visas for our clients.  We represent both businesses & individuals – offering visa services for students, workers, partners, visitors to name a few. So whether you want to study, work, reunite or explore business opportunities in Australia, AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration & Litigation Lawyers may be the solution to your migration problems. AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers – Superior Advice: Intelligent Solutions.

Partner visa – same sex – spouse visas – potential partner visas – Best and most ethical migration advice

For more than 25 years AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers have been winning student visa cases and difficult visa Cancellation case – at department level and at Appeal – (Tribunal and Federal Courts)

Best Immigration Lawyers. AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyers. Again Ranked in the Top 10 – Best Immigration Law Firms in Melbourne.

For more than 25 years Anthony Robinson and his team at AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers have been helping win Partner visa cases – both onshore and for people NOT in Australia – at application stage and at Appeal stage: AAT and Federal Court Stage.


So if you or anyone you know has an Australian Partner Visa refused, rejected or cancelled contact us to discuss your Appeal or Review options.  Remember TRUST ONLY a Master Migration Lawyer and make an appointment with AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyer.

Book a Consultation

Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 Minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)

Recent Cases Won.

A couple – having had their visa refused due to a history of misleading statements on applications – can to me after bouncing from one incompetent migration agent to another.  They had spent a fortune on getting this visa.  By the time they got to us it was not only a huge mess but also a gigantic money pit!

So what should have been a cake walk – a  fiancé visa.  (Getting betrothed)  – turned out to be a nightmare.

As many understand it is the unscrambling of the egg – that is where years of experience really counts.

And that is precisely what AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration & Litigation Lawyers did – and we got them to the church on time…

Here is what a few clients have said:

Mr Robinson recently won my Partner visa – Administrative Appeals Tribunal Case.

Here are some other cases:

Jamil Choudhry
AAT visa Refusal Appeal – Partner Visa Matter

AR LAW Services won my partner visa at the AAT, it was a long a difficult case, the department had rejected my visa application twice, but Mr Robinson fought for me and my husband and we won. I think Mr Robinson is very professional and extremely good at his work. I have no hesitation in recommending AR LAW Services. In fact we are now applying for my husband’s Australian citizenship.

Milena Janakievska
Partner Visa – Visa Refusal – AAT Visa Refusal Appeal Matter


How to apply – please click here

Partner Visas. Big win for fairness at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). Another AR LAW Services ‘feel good’ Partner Visa story.

AR LAW Services was retained to appeal a particularly cruel decision by the Department of Immigration (DIAC) that had deprived a young man of a life with his lawfully wedded wife for more than four years.

The applicant – a young Australian man who suffers a significant intellectual disability – had tried on numerous occasions to secure a partner visa for his young wife. The applications – despite being lodged by a well known migration law firm – were consistently refused by DIAC on the grounds that his intellectual disability robbed him of the capacity to understand concepts like “love”, “marriage” and consequently DIAC believed he lacked the ability to “sponsor” his wife were she to come to Australia.

AR LAW Services argued that “the chance to love and be loved is not solely the preserve of the gifted and the beautiful but those with intellectual disabilities can to love too”.

So when it was all said and done this case was about discrimination and prejudice. Something that has no place in a fair and just legal process or the rule of law.

After three days before the tribunal, AR LAW Services was vindicated and won and now the couple can live happy ever after in Australia.

So if you or anyone you know has an Australian Partner Visa refused, rejected or cancelled contact us to discuss your Appeal or Review options.  Remember TRUST ONLY a Master Migration Lawyer and make an appointment with AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyer.

Book a Consultation

Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 Minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)


When relationships fail – it is a difficult time.  Fortunately AR LAW SERVICES is a fully inclusive Law Firm and we can help both with divorce matters and intervention orders.

And Remember – if you are in this position because of your agent…

WE SUE DODGY (Fraudulent, dishonest bad) agents

yusuf khan

I went to a dodgy migration agent for my AAT appeal and I lost the AAT appeal, I went to AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers and Mr Robinson won back all the fees I spent on the dodgy migration agent for the AAT appeal (it was a lot of money!) – so if you feel cheated by a migration agent or you feel you have not got what you paid for I suggest you go nowhere else but AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers they are the best lawyers in town
Other cases:

If you or some one you know feels they did not get what they paid for – feel cheated – talk to us

Don’t Get Mad – Get Even! (click on the below link for a short film)

If you or some one you know feels they did not get what they paid for – feel cheated – talk to us

So if you or anyone you know has feels they have been cheated by a migration agent or did not get what they paid for – or just thinks their agent is not doing a good job talk to us.
Book an initial 30 minute consultation for a flat fixed fee for the initial 30 minutes to discuss your issue with a Master Migration Lawyer.
Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)
Note: this update, or any previous updates on this page, do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.
Please call our office to seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content on this page



For more go to

Note: this update, or any previous updates on this page, do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Please call our office to seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content on this page

Partner Visas

Superior Advice: Intelligent Solutions

Partner/Spouse Visa Melbourne Australia

On this page you will learn how we can help you with:

Prospective Marriage Visas Melbourne Australia, Married Visas, De Facto Partner Visas and Same Sex Partner Visas Australia – And when relationships End.

Missing your “soul mate” and planning for your future is hard enough without having to worry about visa red tape

Let us help.

Freeing you to get on with your Life.

Mr Robinson recently won my son’s Partner visa – Administrative Appeals Tribunal Case.  It was an appeal to the AAT because my son’s and his wife’s partner visa had been refused. It was a difficult and long case that turned on “intellectual capacity” – the original visa application had been lodge some four (4) years ago, and we were at the AAT for three (3) days. My Son, his wife and our family are very happy with AR LAW Services.

Jamil Choudhry
AAT visa Refusal Appeal – Partner Visa Matter

AR LAW Services won my partner visa at the MRT, it was a long a difficult case, the department had rejected my visa application twice, but Mr Robinson fought for me and my husband and we won. I think Mr Robinson is very professional and extremely good at his work. I have no hesitation in recommending AR LAW Services. In fact we are now applying for my husband’s Australian citizenship.

Milena Janakievska
Partner Visa – Visa Refusal – AAT Visa Refusal Appeal Matter

Partner Visas Melbourne Australia

AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyers, is expert in all classes of partner visas both at application stage and at appeals – on and off shore (that is if your partner is in Australia and overseas).  We understand that times like these often cause stress, that is why we strive to offer you complete peace of mind during the visa application process, so that you can be confident in the quality of the application, and begin planning your life together in Australia. Our role is to keep families together, so our services include suggesting strategies to reunite any couples living apart, and working efficiently to secure the visa as quickly as possible.

So, if you wish to apply for a partner visa or have had a partner/spouse refused or cancelled talk to AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyers.

The Process


If you are in a relationship with an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, you may be eligible for a grant of a partner visa on the basis of their sponsorship.

You may be eligible for a partner visa if you and your partner:

  • Are married
  • Or are engaged to be married
  • Or in a de facto relationship
  • Or have registered your relationship with a relevant State/Territory authority


3 Pathways:

There are three pathways through which partners of Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents can obtain a visa for Australia.

The answer to the question which path is best for you will depend on your individual circumstances, including whether the person applying for the visa is inside or outside Australia at the time of application.

If your Partner is in Australia – The Subclass 820/801

This is for couples who are married or in a de facto relationship and the applicant is in Australia.

Stage 1 stage, subclass 820:

Be in a de facto relationship with an Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Eligible New Zealand Citizen for 12 months,

Or be married to an Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Eligible New Zealand Citizen.

Or have registered your relationship with a relevant State/Territory authority.

Stage 2 – operation of law: two (2) years from the date of application for the subclass 820 visa, the applicant is invited to submit evidence that the relationship is continuing.

If the Minister is satisfied the Subclass 801 visa may be granted.

NB an applicant is entitled to Medicare access, work rights, and study rights, upon granting of the temporary 820 visa.

If your Partner is Overseas – The Subclass 309/100 Offshore Partner Visa

This is for couples who are married or in a de facto relationship and applicants who are outside of Australia.

Visa applicant must be sponsored by an Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Eligible New Zealand Citizen

An applicant must be outside of Australia when the temporary Subclass 309 visa is granted, after which they can enter Australia, and access Medicare, work rights and study rights.

Similarly, to the onshore process – see above – the applicant will initially be granted a Subclass 309 visa, and will be given the opportunity to obtain the permanent visa, the Subclass 100, two years from the date the initial application was submitted.

Prospective Marriage Visa Australia – Subclass 300 (Temporary Residence)

This is for couples who are engaged to be married to an Australian Permanent Resident or Citizen, or an eligible New Zealand Citizen.

This pathway is for applicants who are outside of Australia.

Once granted, the subclass 309 visa allows the holder to enter Australia and marry their Australian partner within a nine-month period.

Prior to the end of this nine-month period, applicants can apply for an onshore Subclass 820/801 visa as outlined above.

This visa allows holders to access work and study rights.


Partner visas require both an application to be made by the visa applicant and the sponsor:  the Australian Permanent Resident, Citizen, or an eligible New Zealand Citizen partner.

All of the above visa options will require evidence that your relationship is genuine and continuing. To satisfy the Minister that this is the case, you should be able to provide evidence that addresses the following:

Cohabitation or otherwise

Financial interdependence

Social interdependence

Nature of your ongoing commitment to one another

As all couples are different, AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers will tailor a custom made and effective Partner application to suit your individual needs and aspirations.

When relationships Fail – Steps to take.

AR LAW SERVICES: Lawyers & Consultants Melbourne, unlike migration agents, are a full-service law firm.   Therefore we cannot only help with the ramification and impact of a failed relationship on your visa and migration status, but also assist with the legal proceedings of divorce and property settlement.

Be advised we have access to leading psychologist and medical professionals to assist with trauma and domestic violence.

In difficult times it is good to know that someone you trust will be there in such tough times.


Initial 30 Minute Information Consultation with a Master Migration Lawyer

Not what you are looking for?

Help with
AAT Appeals
Visas Cancelled or Refused

Help with
Intervention Orders

Help with
Federal Court Appeals

Help with
Family Violence Matters

Be advised the Information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor personal/corporate migration advice and should not be treated as such. It is information of a general nature and should not be relied on. For an assessment of your personal circumstances and formal legal/visa advice please speak to our accredited Immigration Lawyer.