Citizenship – Big win at the AAT(Administration Appeal Tribunal) Crimmigration – Citizenship refusal – Character case – Criminal history AAT Administrative Appeal Tribunal or Federal Court Appeals for visa refusal, visa rejection or cancellation. Including character s501, health waiver and PIC 4020 cases
The penitent man & “enduring moral qualities”
Fearless – not his real name – retain AR LAW SERVICES upon learning his application for citizenship had been refused due to his criminal history.
We appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) General List.
The controversy before the AAT General List was: was he of “good character”.
The term “good character” is given its ordinary meaning and refer to a person’s enduring moral qualities, not just their good standing or reputation in the community. Enduring moral qualities cover the concepts of:
- characteristics which have endured over a long period of time;
- distinguishing right from wrong; and
- behaving in an ethical manner, conforming to the rules and values of Australian society.
All aspects of a person’s life may be relevant to consideration of their character.
- Do they respect and abide by the laws in Australia and other countries?
- Are they honest in their dealings with individuals and organizations, including Government departments?
- Have they ever exhibited violence towards another person or displayed reckless behavior which might cause harm to others?
After two day argument before a Senior Member we won the case – in fact the Senior Member was so impressed by our submissions he, after adjourning for several hours, hand down his decision.
The applicant was successful and the Citizenship application was remitted to the Minister with the direction that “Fearless” was of good character!
So if you or anyone you know has had a visa refused or cancelled due to a criminal conviction or have had their citizenship application refused due to bad character – talk to US.
Best Immigration Lawyers. AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyers. Again Ranked in the Top 10 – Best Immigration Law Firms in Melbourne.
Do you feel cheated – didn’t get what you paid for? We sue dodgy (bad incompetent dishonest) migration agents.
For more than 20 years AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration & Regulatory Lawyers has been winning difficult Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) visa rejection – refusal or cancellation – cases. And URGENT Federal Court appeal Cases. Read more about our expert immigration lawyers and the administrative appeals tribunal or Federal Court System
VISA Cancelled or Refused due to Failing the Character Test – section 501- AAT appeal: AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers. Police & Court Convictions
If your appeal to AAT is unsuccessful AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration & Regulatory Lawyers may be able to help! Please watch our short film on appeals from the AAT or IAA to the Federal Circuit Court.
Note well – AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers are a Specialist Crimmigration Law Firm.
Best Immigration Lawyers. AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyers. Again Ranked in the Top 10 – Best Immigration Law Firms in Melbourne.
And Remember – if you are in this position because of your agent…
WE SUE DODGY (Fraudulent, dishonest bad) agents

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