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AR LAW Services  |  Lawyers & Consultants  |  Masters of Australian Migration and Visa Law




Employers who wish to nominate workers for subclass 482, 186 and 187 must meet certain salary and employment condition requirements. These requirements help to ensure that:

  • overseas workers are paid no less than an Australian worker would doing the same work in the same location, that is, the ‘annual market salary rate (AMSR)’
  • these visa programs are not used to undercut the Australian labour market

If the overseas worker will be paid an annual salary less than AUD250,000 you need to show:

  • you have determined the AMSR correctly
  • the overseas worker will not be paid less than the AMSR, that is, less than an Australian worker would be paid
  • both the AMSR and what the overseas worker will be paid, excluding any non-monetary benefits in both cases, is no less than the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT).

Big win for 482 visa applicant – Sponsorship & Nomination in days. When time is tight talk to us!

Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold

The Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) is currently AUD53,900.

Both the AMSR for the nominated occupation and the guaranteed annual earnings you will pay to the worker must be at least as much as the current TSMIT.

The TSMIT does not include non-monetary benefits such as accommodation or a car. Such benefits must be paid in addition to the TSMIT.

Annual market salary rate

The Annual market salary rate (AMSR) is determined by looking at what you would pay equivalent Australian workers, enterprise agreements or industrial awards, job outlook information, advertisements for the last 6 months in the same location, remuneration survey or advice from unions or employer associations.

Determining the AMSR

Where there is an equivalent Australian worker

The AMSR is what you are paying this worker.

If the worker’s salary is based on an enterprise agreement or industrial award, you provide:

  • the name of the agreement or award as recorded by the Fair Work Commission where applicable
  • the salary level or occupation group that applies to the nomination

If there is no relevant agreement or award, or you are paying your Australian employees above the award rate, provide:

  • copies of relevant employment contracts and
  • pay slips for this employee


  • An Australian worker who is more or less experienced than the nominee and does similar work at a different pay grade is not considered equivalent to the nominee.
  • If the nominated overseas worker will be paid less than the equivalent Australian worker, we will refuse the nomination.
  • If you provide only generic market salary data or salary surveys, we will refuse the nomination.

Where there is no equivalent worker but there is an enterprise agreement or industrial award


  • the name of the agreement or award as recorded by the fair work commission where applicable
  • the salary level or occupation group that applies to the nomination

Where there is no equivalent worker, agreement or award

You must determine and then show us what the AMSR is.

Explain how you used relevant information to determine what the equivalent worker will be paid. Relevant information could include at least two of the following:

  • Job Outlook information
  • advertisements from the last six months for equivalent positions in the same location (e.g. state, urban vs regional area)
  • remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation
  • written advice from unions or employer associations


  • You must provide sufficient evidence. As a general rule if you do not provide at least 2 independent sources of information in determining the AMSR we are likely to consider the requirement not met
  • If you provide vague, unlabelled salary surveys and do not explain how you have determined the AMSR, we might refuse your nomination application.
  • If the market salary rate determined is a ‘range’, explain and provide specific details regarding why you selected that AMSR.
So if you or anyone you know need legal assistance regarding an Australian 482 visa or work visa application or appeal matter talk to us.
Book an initial 30 minute consultation for a flat fixed fee for the initial 30 minutes to discuss your issue with a Master Migration Lawyer.
Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)
Note: this update, or any previous updates on this page, do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.
Please call our office to seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content on this page

And Remember – if you are in this position because of your agent…

WE SUE DODGY (Fraudulent, dishonest bad) agents

yusuf khan

I went to a dodgy migration agent for my AAT appeal and I lost the AAT appeal, I went to AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers and Mr Robinson won back all the fees I spent on the dodgy migration agent for the AAT appeal (it was a lot of money!) – so if you feel cheated by a migration agent or you feel you have not got what you paid for I suggest you go nowhere else but AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers they are the best lawyers in town
Other cases:

AR LAW SERVICES wins more than $80 000 in compensation for a refugee client from their former dodgy migration agent!

If you or some one you know feels they did not get what they paid for – feel cheated – talk to us

Don’t Get Mad – Get Even! (click on the below link for a short film)

If you or some one you know feels they did not get what they paid for – feel cheated – talk to us

So if you or anyone you know has feels they have been cheated by a migration agent or did not get what they paid for – or just thinks their agent is not doing a good job talk to us.
Book an initial 30 minute consultation for a flat fixed fee for the initial 30 minutes to discuss your issue with a Master Migration Lawyer.
Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)
Note: this update, or any previous updates on this page, do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.
Please call our office to seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content on this page



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Note: this update, or any previous updates on this page, do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Please call our office to seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content on this page